Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo
Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo

Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo

Had it been written by a truly talented author it would have been one of the most exciting books I've read.

Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo

Thompson (Author) 673 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle 25.00 Read with Our Free App Audiobook 0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover 37.30 38 Used from 23.95 26 New from 30. The subject matter is extremely engaging and compelling. Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race Hardcover Januby Michael A. It was all I could do to pay attention through the monotony. The narrator did very little to enliven the already flat read. How did the narrator detract from the book? The story line of this book reads like a slow walk on the open salt flats. The book meanders almost aimlessly from one anecdote to another. The writing could have been more narrative in style, offering more of the authors' voice. Thompson have done to make this a more enjoyable book for you? Cremo 61 Hardcover 11 offers from 29.55 Product description About the Author Michael A Cremo is a research associate of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in the history and philosophy of science. Instead this was just a compilation of facts that reads like a dry book report. Forbidden Archeologist: The Atlantis Rising Magazine Columns of Michael A. I'd have enjoyed hearing more of the authors voice in the writing. The information and subject matter is compelling enough that I'd recommend this book to anyone, but the delivery was dry and the narration did little to improve that fact. Lucy vs.What would have made Forbidden Archeology better?Ī more lively narrator would have helped keep me from falling asleep. Readers will quickly understand the strongest arguments and remarkable discoveries that reveal evolution as a failing theory. This collection of forty-nine articles published in Atlantis Rising magazine is like the Cliff Notes on his best-selling, encyclopedic Forbidden Archeology and formidable Human Devolution. His latest book, The Forbidden Archeologist, presents his research at international scientific conferences, comments on the latest discoveries and missing links, examines famous archaeological sites such as the Sterkfontein Caves”the alleged cradle of humanity”and responds to mixed reactions to his books, now translated into twenty-six languages. Michael Cremo, an international authority on human antiquity, has justly earned the forbidden archaeologist title.įor over twenty-seven years he's been digging up documented, credible findings that mainstream archaeologists don't want you to know about”discoveries in the fossil record that tell a completely different story from Darwinian evolution.

Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo